On a bit of a power trip today. It’s eluded me all week, but somehow managed to drag my sorry a**e out of bed at 6am and gym for 7. Did my circuit training half asleep, pushing out 50 reps x 3 sets (that’s 150 reps) – Arnie watch out! Still don’t get it – why do some people still treat gym equipment as just another piece of furniture to rest on? If you want to sit around, go and find a park bench! Back in the gym at lunchtime for 30 mins abs training. The second half is not called “killer abs” for nothing. Very hard work, especially lying on your back with the medicine ball held out with your arms straight by your ears and legs just off the ground. Tried out a few new abs moves. Let’s hope this works. Ran home from work, but by then legs were more like lead weights. Not as fast as Tuesday, but still faster than my previous average. Time 50:19:98.
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